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A tool is only as good as its user. Choosing the right tool is only one step of your digital transformation

If users don't know how to use the new system effectively, its benefits for your organization will be limited. That's why focusing on the proper enablement is crucial for your project success.

We partner with our clients in building the right enablement strategy that reflects the complexity of the tool, skillset of potential users and organizational needs.

And not only that we propose the right mixture of tailor-made enablement activities. You can rely on us in their implementation and actual execution.

Our certified trainers are ready to convey the needed knowledge to your teams in forms of a classroom training or coaching sessions.

"Session was overall excellent and I can recommend it!"

"It was very interesting and easy to follow. Also it was helpful to have hands-on exercises to get familiar with the tool as well."

An experienced trainer will:

Address your users' concerns

Share best practices from real-life scenarios

Advise strategy for troubleshooting

Trigger desire to learn more

"Live demo examples made it easy to understand the content."

"The trainers were excellent!!! Knowledgeable, helpful and patient! Great Team!"

Amin Chirazi LinkedIn


Stronger corporate culture and employee engagement


Higher workforce productivity


Greater business growth


Improved talent acquisition and retention


Great Innovation and accelerated digital transformation

Enabling your employees to learn a new skill brings you additional benefits

According to the PwC Annual Global CEO survey (2020), companies that are most advanced in upskilling their employees see positive impact in multiple areas. The chart below shows % of these companies which reported that upskilling was “very effective” in achieving following outcomes.

See how our team can help you gain a deep knowledge of Tricentis Tosca for the best test automation results.

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